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li laid qianxian states and the home, broke into the diligence by the extravagance. -- li shangyin


pa zugu body from the river, to more than 100 descendants of the city down. to do after the success of luxury, yile an understanding with double trouble » --

wang anshi

chi is more to. to read more gentleman is improving wealth, wang road speed problem. -- sima guang

extravagance from the wangqu gou, ambition belcher shame; one from jianyue, while others do not seek, in their well-deserved, it can also raise gas.

-- luo as

half fentiao still cherish the public objects yizhen. i could not understand all health zhongqu, anti-ms that were to be fine. --

hsu te-li

to complete their domination by the wealth of the people will never be out of the fair. -- democritus

who live frugally on weekdays, in poverty, it is easy to tide over their difficulties, who at the luxurious luxury in rich, poor,

jihan will die. -- saadi

as always with the luxury pornography, obscenity always follow luxury. -- montesquieu

the inevitable consequences of luxury - the disintegration of morals - in turn, has caused interesting corruption. -- rousseau

the purpose of the ceremonial role in making this change was the wangeng flexibility so that people can change the temperament moderate, so that he respected

others, and others with them. -- john locke

shin-ying, pro-such as brothers; ying wu qi, ge soldiers in harm. -- guan zhong

world, there are a brave, not frightened of curan council, plus it is not without anger. -- sushi

we should not pay attention to their words to hurt other comrades, but when others use the language of self-inflicted injury

, should also shoude qi. -- liu shaoqi

courtesy of the golden key to human coexistence. -- song su, kyrgyzstan

qishixiongxiong speech, the words may not be justified. -- saadi

whether you are a man or a woman, others only moderately large peide shang's name. a person's true

is the bravery and determination not mean that others stop to speak with fists. -- saadi

your blood boil large, easily aroused anger at the end of annoyance, is a bad habit而使hearts toward the improper things,

is impulsive and irrational actions. -- bide a bola de

young people should not assault, should be given to each of personal income, should avoid hypocrisy and deceit, it should be marked

in the kenzhi wyatt, this trip to learn integrity. -- ja comenius

courtesy of children and young people should be particularly careful to cultivate the habit of the first major events. -- john locke

polite courtesy to the people joy, but also to those who treat people with courtesy joy. -- montesquieu

one school will be bad things, bad habits early years of contamination, will henceforth in all acts and moves in the show

, whether the words or actions on the problems, three-year-old to the old, 60 not changed. -- keleiluofu

courtesy of the regular substitute for the most noble feelings. -- merimee

courtesy is the most easy thing to do, is the most precious things. -- gang chaer

hot temper is a despicable human nature of people if fapi qi is equivalent to the human progress on the ladder

a step backwards. -- darwin

bee honey from the flowers in chuo, when the campers leave the thank. exaggeration of the butterfly flower is believed that he should thank the.

-- rabindranath tagore历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭破由奢。 —— 李商隐 霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降。豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双? ——

王安石 侈则多欲。君子多欲则念慕富贵,枉道速祸。 —— 司马光 奢则妄取苟取,志气卑辱;一从俭约,则于人无求,于己无愧,是可以养气也。

—— 罗大经 半截粉条犹爱惜公家物件总宜珍。诸生不解余衷曲,反谓余为算细人。 ——

徐特立 让自己完全受财富支配的人是永不能合乎公正的。 —— 德谟克利特 谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时

就会死于饥寒。 —— 萨迪 奢侈总是跟随着淫乱,淫乱总是跟随着奢侈。 —— 孟德斯鸠 奢侈的必然后果——风化的解体——反过来又引起了趣味的腐化。 —— 卢梭 礼仪的目的与作用本在使得本来的顽梗变柔顺,使人们的气质变温和,使他尊重

别人,和别人合得来。 —— 约翰·洛克 善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。 —— 管仲 天下有大勇者,猝然临之而不惊,不故加之而不怒。 —— 苏轼 我们应该注意自己不用言语去伤害别的同志,但是,当别人用语言来伤害自己的

时候,也应该受得起。 —— 刘少奇 礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。 —— 松苏内吉 讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。 —— 萨迪 不论你是一个男子还是一个女人,待人温和宽大才配得上人的名称。一个人的真

正的英勇果断,决不等于用拳头制止别人发言。 —— 萨迪 火气甚大,容易引起愤怒底烦扰,是一种恶习而使心灵向着那不正当的事情,那

是一时冲动而没有理性的行动。 —— 彼得·阿柏拉德 青年人应当不伤人,应当把个人所得的给予各人,应当避免虚伪与欺骗,应当显

得恳挚悦人,这样学着去行正直。 —— 夸美纽斯 礼貌是儿童与青年所应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。 —— 约翰·洛克 礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。 —— 孟德斯鸠 坏事情一学就会,早年沾染的恶习,从此以后就会在所有的行为和举动中显现出

来,不论是说话或行动上的毛病,三岁至老,六十不改。 —— 克雷洛夫 礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。 —— 梅里美

礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。 —— 冈察尔 脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上

倒退了一步。 —— 达尔文

li laid qianxian states and the home, broke into the diligence by the extravagance. -- li shangyin

pa zugu body from the river, to more than 100 descendants of the city down. to do after the success of luxury, yile an understanding with double trouble » --

wang anshi

chi is more to. to read more gentleman is improving wealth, wang road speed problem. -- sima guang

extravagance from the wangqu gou, ambition belcher shame; one from jianyue, while others do not seek, in their well-deserved, it can also raise gas.

-- luo as

half fentiao still cherish the public objects yizhen. i could not understand all health zhongqu, anti-ms that were to be fine. --

hsu te-li

to complete their domination by the wealth of the people will never be out of the fair. -- democritus

who live frugally on weekdays, in poverty, it is easy to tide over their difficulties, who at the luxurious luxury in rich, poor,

jihan will die. -- saadi

as always with the luxury pornography, obscenity always follow luxury. -- montesquieu

the inevitable consequences of luxury - the disintegration of morals - in turn, has caused interesting corruption. -- rousseau

the purpose of the ceremonial role in making this change was the wangeng flexibility so that people can change the temperament moderate, so that he respected

others, and others with them. -- john locke

shin-ying, pro-such as brothers; ying wu qi, ge soldiers in harm. -- guan zhong

world, there are a brave, not frightened of curan council, plus it is not without anger. -- sushi

we should not pay attention to their words to hurt other comrades, but when others use the language of self-inflicted injury

, should also shoude qi. -- liu shaoqi

courtesy of the golden key to human coexistence. -- song su, kyrgyzstan

qishixiongxiong speech, the words may not be justified. -- saadi

whether you are a man or a woman, others only moderately large peide shang's name. a person's true

is the bravery and determination not mean that others stop to speak with fists. -- saadi

your blood boil large, easily aroused anger at the end of annoyance, is a bad habit而使hearts toward the improper things,

is impulsive and irrational actions. -- bide a bola de

young people should not assault, should be given to each of personal income, should avoid hypocrisy and deceit, it should be marked

in the kenzhi wyatt, this trip to learn integrity. -- ja comenius

courtesy of children and young people should be particularly careful to cultivate the habit of the first major events. -- john locke

polite courtesy to the people joy, but also to those who treat people with courtesy joy. -- montesquieu

one school will be bad things, bad habits early years of contamination, will henceforth in all acts and moves in the show

, whether the words or actions on the problems, three-year-old to the old, 60 not changed. -- keleiluofu

courtesy of the regular substitute for the most noble feelings. -- merimee

courtesy is the most easy thing to do, is the most precious things. -- gang chaer

hot temper is a despicable human nature of people if fapi qi is equivalent to the human progress on the ladder

标签: 座右铭 爱情
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